Joining Sutter Hill Ventures

I’ve joined Sutter Hill Ventures to find and build companies with our next generation of EIRs and CEOs.

Over the past several years of writing and working with founders I have been driven by the question of how our industry can best compound at creating companies that matter. What became clear is that the earliest stages of exploration are not only the least institutionally focused on. But also where it is most valuable. I was led to SHV early in the course of this exploration, and when the opportunity to join and help build its next chapter presented itself it was obvious I needed to accept it.

Few firms take the earliest stages of company formation seriously. The gravity of fund math pulls them away from the flux of building new things from the ground up. Much less doing it repeatedly. This raw experience with the formation stage and ability to generate outsized returns while focused on it, is what makes SHV special. There is a familiarity with the nebulosity that can only be developed from having repeatedly been through the founding journey from beginning to end.

SHV is instrumental when the clay is wet, in foundational companies that redefine their industries like Snowflake, Nvidia, and Pure Storage. It believes that the beginnings matter, even when they are at their most delicate and feel like they don’t. And in being a partner in the exploration of what is truly possible and worthwhile.

At its core, the team is focused on the art and science of creation. And what has impressed me most is their commitment to continuously redefine and refine themselves to serve founders through the nebulosity of the founding journey.

SHV understands that we cannot make starting companies easier. I don’t know that anyone can. But we can make that effort go further. And that can make all the difference. 

In just the first few months here I am already grateful for the experiences of being at SHV and exploring with our EIRs. I’m excited to contribute to making SHV the best place for founders to create their life’s work.

If you have a vision for a future you want to pull forward, or you’re a deep technical expert, experienced executive, or repeat founder and would like to learn more, please reach out.